FB 2152 Republicans Precinct Blog Welcome to Fort Bend Precinct 2152

Welcome to Fort Bend Precinct 2152

Thank you for taking the time to get information and involved in the Fort Bend County Precinct 2152. My name is Jacob Lee and I am the Precinct Chair for the Republican party. I will be keeping you up to date on where to vote and how to get involved in the Republican Party in our county. Your vote matters and this county is not lost to the democrats. We were 4,000 votes shy of winning the county in 2022. The Democracts have closed our local polling places and have purposely made it hard for you to vote. Don’t let that deture you from voting. I have posted the early voting locations and when they release the election day places I will let know where you can vote.

In this upcoming primary election we have the oportunity to put good people on the general ballot. I will be sharing more information with you about some of the great canidates we have running to make a differnce in Austin and in Washington DC.

Thank you for taking the time to learn more.

Jacob Lee

FBC 2152 Republican Precinct Chair

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